I hope I will be stating the obvious in this post; but I have seen so many things going wrong that I will risk repeating myself!
On location back ups are totally cool! They are directly connected to your ethernet, have blazing accessibility rate, superb file transfer speeds, and a variety of other bills and whistles! The coolest thing about on location hardware however is the convenience of having a tile in the building.
This totally prevents you from having to leave the building if there is something wrong with the hardware in any weather condition.
This fact is also highly appreciated by criminals!
By the bright sign above your organizations building, they know exactly where to go to find the data.
Social engineering will do the rest to let them find the server room, which is hopefully Unmarked, has stringent access control, CCTV, and all the other modern security installations available on the market.
However, just in case, let’s assume that a criminal can gain access to your server room… Perhaps not even the physical server room, but by means of privilege escalation they can manage to go to a terminal in the building, thereby accessing the holy Grail of data of your organization.
A lot of times This will put people into 🙁 mode when I tell them about it.
But there are things that can be done!
Number one of course Is that your data is encrypted.
Number two, and this is for the case that the teeth/criminal decides to steal your servers physically, or that an earthquake happens, or that your building Burnsdowne, or that Godzilla decides to run amok, or all the other good things I cannot think of at the moment, is that you have A mirror of your files in another building, ideally on another continent, ideally in a bunker, that is capable of withstanding 20 or so nuclear warheads.
This article is part of the ACRAC project.