Why your privacy matters, and how you can defend it effectively.

Why your privacy matters, and how you can defend it effectively.

Being in IT inevitably brings you to the discussion about privacy. You won’t believe how many times I’ve heard that the person I’m having a conversation with has nothing to hide. And to be perfectly honest this pisses me off. The reason is That privacy it’s not up for debate simply because it’s not something … Continue reading Why your privacy matters, and how you can defend it effectively.

Your email server should ensure encrypted communication and messaging only

Your email server should ensure encrypted communication and messaging only

As you can see this post was published in 2019. We’ve had pretty much everything about you go south. Probably the most revealing thing, and the only one in years that led to some kind of reaction, where the Snowden revelations. No, one of the main issues is that even after such a major incident, … Continue reading Your email server should ensure encrypted communication and messaging only

New encryption law: Australia first Orwellian state?

New encryption law: Australia first Orwellian state?

  The full impact of Australia's new law to crack down on encryption is still unknown. From what can be read currently, and currently available information the very broad and vague law is introduced to request the assistance of technology companies storing data in the country to make it available for law-enforcement. And the vagueness … Continue reading New encryption law: Australia first Orwellian state?